Our Mission
The strength and unicity of Xerocity are combining a social mission to an economic mission while balancing both in the definition and implementation of projects. The “sustainable” projects, are as defined by Xerocity, projects that contribute simultaneously to the social development of a region or country, and simultaneously to the energy development in the same region by the large application scale of renewable energy. Thus, for the energy generated in excess, each project is not only independent, but also provides a significant and sustainable contribution to the development of the entire region.
Xerocity has a rigorous and selective method of choosing each project. The balance of both missions (social + economic) is paramount in this selection. Where possible, Xerocity also invests itself into the project with the appropriate means to give proof of its
commitment throughout the project.
Xerocity primary activities are the development, implementation, management and financing of sustainable
Xerocity is an innovative solution to the housing crisis and
energy worldwide. Our project aims to provide affordable
and sustainable housing while creating job opportunities and
reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. We believe that our
project has the potential to make a significant impact on the
lives of people in worldwide.